Level 5: Full Set-Up Post-Event Emergent Option With Implementation

When the emergency happens and your medical legal company needs to be closed, Success(ion) Solutions, Inc. will:

  • collect data on business and processes using the Success(ion) Solutions, Inc. Guidebook.
  • designate professional resources and team members.
  • require on-site visit(s) to evaluate and complete process.
  • contact attorney-clients to notify of event and determine further action regarding cases (average 60 mins/case).
  • utilize scripted telephone and letter templates to notify attorney-clients. Service Agreement/Fee Schedule provided if Success(ion) Solutions, Inc. professional services are retained to complete engagement(s).


  • Success(ion) Solutions, Inc. Guidebook
  • Document Folder
  • 1-hour telephone call for visit preparation
  • Success(ion) Solutions, Inc. licensed professional resources
  • 20 hours on-site consultation.
  • 50-150 hours consultation performed remotely based on number of attorney-clients.
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